The contemporary comfort of our modern single room is backed up to 20 square meters, through the use of noble materials with warm, natural tones. Our modern single rooms have French Windows from which you can enjoy views of the beautiful nature surrounding you. The rooms have individually regulated air conditioning, a fine wooden floor, solid wood furniture, and LED lights. This makes for an atmospheric ambience in the room. With this equipment and this atmosphere, we offer you the unique comfort of our modern single room.

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  • Free Wi-Fi access in the room
  • Anti-Allergy Bedding Materials
  • Desk & Wardrobe
  • modern LED lights
  • A Minibar and a Safe
Hotel Sacher Baden - KT 20240304 010 Einzelzimmer moderno - 1
Hotel Sacher Baden - KT 20240304 012 Einzelzimmer moderno - 2
Hotel Sacher Baden - KT 20240304 014 Einzelzimmerbad - 3