The "Classico" Junior Suite is in the historic main building. These rooms are equipped with a balcony from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of nature. Soft carpeted floors, stylish Biedermeier furniture, and floral patterns give the Classico Junior suites your style ambience. Based on monument protection, no air conditioning is available.

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  • Free Wi-Fi access in the room
  • Anti-Allergy Bedding Materials
  • Desk & Wardrobe
  • modern LED lights
  • A Minibar and a Safe
Hotel Sacher Baden - KT 20240304 036 Junior Suite Classico 1 - 1
Hotel Sacher Baden - KT 20240304 037 Junior Suite Classico - 2
Hotel Sacher Baden - KT 20240304 040 Junior Suite Classico Wohnzimmer - 3
Hotel Sacher Baden - KT 202403011 039 2 - 4