Hotel Sacher Baden - Doppelzimmer

Easter brunch

Savour like Carl Sacher - a culinary highlight

The Hotel Sacher Baden invites you to a culinary Easter brunch in an elegant parlour atmosphere and historical ambience. A special delicacy buffet awaits you with a variety of delicious hot and cold specialities. A gourmet experience for family and friends.

Date: April 20, 2025 | Time: 11h30 - 14h00 | Location: Hotel Sacher Baden

Price per person: EUR 48.00 | Price per child (up to 10 years): EUR 24.00

  • Stuffed eggs | ham roll | vegetable terrine
  • Ham and cold cuts platter | Baked sweetbreads (served)
  • SOUP:
  • Wild garlic cream soup
  • Viennese roast chicken, triggered | Venison butter cutlet with porcini mushrooms
  • Braised lamb shank | Pork fillet stuffed with prunes wrapped in bacon
  • Grilled fish | ham wrapped in bread | Easter cake | tofu goulash
  • Grilled vegetables | parsley potato | roast patties

We look forward to your reservation!

All brunch highlights can also be given as a gift voucher to your loved ones.


    Fields marked with * are mandatory!

    Price per adult: 48,00 EUR
    Price per child (up to 10 years): EUR 24.00

    What would you like to book?*
    Please select at least 1 date!
